Wednesday, 26 June 2013

22 weeks

I've not been very good at recording my bump but to be honest it has only recently started to look like a bump and less like 'who ate all the pies'. From now on I'm going to start taking a weekly picture.

This has been the start of a good pregnancy phase and baby really is starting to put some welly into those kicks. I love that moment before I go to sleep and when I first wake when I can indulge in a few moments of putting my hand on my tummy to feel baby wriggle. It has also been very special sharing this with Barney as it has been the start of things feeling really real for him as well.

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Chasing my tail

Phew, what a week! It's been one of those weeks where I've constantly been chasing my tail, trying to catch up with my self at work, at home, socially. But it has all started to come together now and hopefully should calm down.

We've been having a massive sort out at home. Some people have said this is a sign of nesting but anyone who knows my mum knows a 'good sort out' is a Scott family past time. Our front room has been upside down...

But yesterday evening we made a really good start on tidying away the chaos and hopefully today our new piece of furniture will arrive and we will be finished all together!

As inside the house as been such a mess I've been particularly enjoying the outside. I love blue flowers and every time I see this lobelia and 'baby blue eyes' at the front of our house they have been making me smile.

Fresh flowers inside the house are one of life's essential luxuries (like having nice perfume) and I picked up these Sweet Williams from a road side stall.

In between the madness I enjoyed a very lovely night of Pimms (well fruit cocktail for me..) and pavlova as part of the hen celebrations for my very special friend Steph. Steph is marrying our other lovely friend Jon in two weeks time, I'm just a little bit excited....

Today we have our friend Duane arriving to stay for a week or so. I can't wait to have a good catch up, spend time relaxing and eating nice food and of course enjoying the islands like we are on holiday. Having people to stay provides the perfect excuse for a bit of indulgence!

Sunday, 16 June 2013

The story so far...

In January 2009 I arrived on the small island of St. Martin's, one of the five inhabited islands of the Isles of Scilly, 28 miles off the coast of Cornwall. It didn't take long to fall in love with the island.

And it wasn't long before I met Barney.

My plan of staying for 6 months was abandoned and in the last 4 years we have been lucky enough to move into a gorgeous house. (We were also adopted by a ginger cat who decided it would also make a nice home for her, Barney didn't take much persuasion.)

Have a wonderful wedding, celebrated on the island with the fantastic friends we have made whilst living here along with 80 of our amazing friends and family who travelled for hundreds of miles to our little rock in the sea.

Last summer we took the lease of a former lobster potting shed and now work together running a bakery.

But this summer we have a very important 'bun in the oven ' (sorry for the bad joke, but how can I resist..)
I wanted to start blogging as a way of sharing our next adventure with friends and family who live  far away. I also wanted to keep a diary of the everyday things that happen, the things that make life so lovely.