Today it is windy and raining and we have happily resigned ourselves to the fact that it is an indoors day. However over the past couple of weeks we have has some gloriously sunny days. It has felt wonderfully autumnal and the island has a lovely relaxed vibe, the vibe that comes after a season of working very hard and feeling ready for a break! There is time to stop and chat to people and I have already seen some friends more in the last two weeks than over the whole of summer.
Autumn on the islands is different and I do have to confess that it is at this time of year, whilst being my favourite on St. Martin's, I hanker for the mainland and trees! I miss falling leaves and the obvious change in landscape, the opening of the view you get as the trees shed their leaves. Having said that we still have signs of autumn over here, the golden bracken and skeletal cow parsley provide a rather lovely frame for the sea.
We also have some pretty impressive mushrooms growing in random spots across the fields.
And a sure sign that winter is on the way, boats pulled up and tucked away.
While the weather has been so nice we have been out and about showing Marcus the island ie. testing out how off-road our all terrain buggy can manage- so far we are impressed!
I was particularly excited to take Marcus to the beach for the first time. Barney isn't too enthusiastic about swimming in the sea so I am already planning on getting Marcus started from a young age so I have a little person to splash around with!
Among our adventures was our first trip to Tresco with our little man and a lovely bunch of friends. Unfortunately in all the excitement we didn't take any photos but Marcus was a complete star (and loved the boat journey!). The trip out has also given me so much more confidence to leave the house for a set time as well as dealing with feeding in public- something I was a little nervous of but was completely fine!
As well as having fun I have also been trying to get the house back in order. Due to my pregnancy lethargy there are a few areas of the house that have been completely ignored. Last week I set to work on a massive cleaning mission, doing a little bit at a time. Although you are told to rest and take it easy with a newborn I can't explain how much better I feel now that it is done, it was worth a few days of feeling extra tired. I have even my kitchen shelves up (thank you Ryan) ta dah...

I cannot believe that Marcus should still be inside me for nearly another week. For one thing I don't think I could of hacked 4 more weeks of being pregnant! But mainly it is just amazing how much he develops each day and strange to think that it isn't meant to be happening yet. We have had a very special three weeks getting to know each other and although it is sometimes hard (especially as I do love my sleep!) now I have relaxed things are seeming to go much more smoothly and be more enjoyable as a result. Barney and I look at Marcus every day and wonder how we could have made something so perfect.
And every day he also makes us laugh, a lot.