Saturday, 2 November 2013

Against the odds

As October came to an end these gorgeous narcissi have come back into season.

Narcissi are associated with the islands as the warmer winters we have here means the season starts much earlier than on the mainland. Their heady scent takes me back to when I arrived on the island nearly five years ago to work at Churchtown Farm, a postal flower company. I still work part time at Scilly Flowers as the marketing assistant (although I'm now on maternity leave) and the novelty of having a jug of narcissi in the house still hasn't worn off!

At this time of year Barney and I usually head off on holiday and to catch up with family and friends on the mainland. However with the arrival of Marcus this year family came to see us. Last week when they were due to arrive the storms were forecast and it wasn't looking too good. But against all of the odds everyone made it. We have had the most wonderful week filled mainly with lots of baby cuddles...

Walks in the wind, rain and sun...

Sewing, Mum helped me finish off the chair cover I started nearly a year ago, such a relief it is now done!

Meanwhile Mike helped Barney build a chest of drawers and Kate baked some seriously tasty muffins for our little Halloween party.

Of course it wouldn't have been a Halloween party without a pumpkin, a joint sisterly effort!

Thank you Scotts, it's been fab!

Now for the McLachlans to arrive. So it turns out there are storms this weekend too... Against all of the odds and a rather bumpy flight Tom and Ellen made it to St. Mary's this morning. However the sea is too choppy for the crossing to St. Martin's. We have our fingers crossed they will make it over tomorrow!

(This photo doesn't do stormy weather justice but trust me I had sand blowing in my eyes!)

It's funny to think when we planned for our family to come and stay we were worried Marcus wouldn't be here yet and they would have travelled all this way to see a very grumpy pregnant person! But we needn't have worried.

Our little boy is now one month old. He has grown and changed so much. This photo was taken in hospital and it does make me a little emotional when I see it. Such a small little thing!

The main change is his strength, he can lift his head and is not far from being able to roll over. He has also found his lungs, boy can he make a noise! He also loves looking at light and every day seems to be taking more and more in. One thing is for sure, he still a real cutie.

He is also a very lucky boy to have such dedicated family travel all this way to see him.

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