Thursday, 19 June 2014

Catching up

At the end of May we had a lovely two weeks with both sets of our parents visiting. However as they left the lurgy descended on our house and there followed a fortnight of sleepless nights and days of just trying to keep on top of the basic things like cooking dinner. But one morning Marcus woke up and it was like having a different baby. It made me realise how much he must have been suffering, he didn't want me to put him down for one moment, not even to shower. So with my happy baby (now most definitely on the move and proving to be a real monkey!) I set about cleaning the house, opening the windows and venturing out to breath in some fresh sea air.

The past couple of weeks have been wonderful, soul lifting, back to back sunshine.

There have been lots of trips to the beach with group baby sitting so we could take it in turns to swim in the sea. Marcus is a real water baby. We have spent leisurely afternoons in friend's gardens, been on trips to St. Marys and we have even had a girls night out to the pub without any babies! We've taken advantage of Marcus being on top form and taken him to the pub for dinner and had a BBQ in the garden. I just feel so lucky to have such lovely people in my life to share all of this with.

Tomorrow we are heading off to the mainland for the first of two very special weddings. A little part of me is sad to leave St. Martin's but I can't wait to catch up with friends and family. I'm also looking forward to having some time with Barney away from all of the every day distractions. Goodness life is pretty darn good. 

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